
Villa Rules & Information


Guests with fever are not allowed

Guests below 18 years of age are not allowed at the property.

Non-Govt IDs is not accepted as ID proof(s)

Govt. ID is accepted as ID proof(s)

Property staff is trained on hygiene guidelines

Does not allow private parties or events

Safety and Hygiene

Quarantine protocols are being followed as per local government authorities

Guests from containment zones are allowed

Shared resources in common areas are properly sanitized

Property staff is trained on hygiene guidelines

Hand sanitizer is provided in guest accommodation and common areas

Guest Profile

Bachelors allowed

Guests below 18 years of age are not allowed at the property.

Suitable for children

Stag entry is not allowed

Room Safety and Hygiene

All rooms are disinfected using bleach or other disinfectant

Linens, towels, and laundry are washed as per local guidelines

Rooms are properly sanitized between stays

Hand sanitizers are not available in the rooms

Payment Related

Credit/debit cards are accepted

Master Card card is accepted

UPI accepted

Food Arrangement

Non veg food is allowed

Private Shef on Demand

Food and Drinks Hygiene

COVID-19 guidelines for Food Hygiene is followed as per government guidelines

Social distancing is followed in restaurants

Serveware and supplies are sanitized before they are brought to the kitchen

Masks and hairnets are mandatory for staff in restaurants

Smoking/Alcohol consumption Rules

Smoking within the premises is allowed

There are no restrictions on alcohol consumption.

Property Accessibility

The property is Elderly-friendly/Disabled-friendly

Bed height is accessible

The property does not have a wide entryway

Pet(s) Related

There are no pets living on the property

Physical Distancing

Social distancing protocols are followed

Contactless Check-In and Checkout service is available

Contactless Room service is available

Physical Barriers are deployed at appropriate places

Cashless Payment is available

ID Proof Related

Govt. ID is accepted as ID proof(s)

Non-Govt IDs is not accepted as ID proof(s)

Local ids not allowed

Other Rules

Does not allow private parties or events

Visitors are not allowed

Hotel may charge compulsory gala dinner supplement on Christmas / New Year's eve or other festive periods. Any such supplements need to be paid directly at the hotel. Rooms are furnished with Double Bed ( King size beds are not available ) All guests requested to carry Valid ID proof for Check Inn. Local ID's are not allowed to check inn..

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